The Introspection Machine of the Future, Powered by Ancient Algorithms

Teledipity translates ancient algorithms to help you relearn the true meaning of happiness – an innate wisdom we forsook in our technology-driven world.

We use the Pythagorean Sequence, a 2,300-year-old formula, to help you clarify your objectives, reframe complex experiences and develop unwavering conviction in your own choices.

Our software has an eerie ability to reach you at the right moment with the right message, delivering highly targeted introspections, book recommendations, and wisdom from history's greatest philosophers.

Words of original content
Registered users
Years since inception
Simple, quiet mission
conquer the '21st century mind'

Teledipity knows what you’re going through…

The lingering dread that your potential is getting swallowed by 21st century life.

Going to work. Coming home. Scrolling your phone.

Meaningless shopping and media that keeps you in an endless roam.

A permanent BRAIN FOG…

A zombie-like state that recedes right before you turn off the lights and get into bed, vowing to never do it again.

I'll wake up and meditate. I'll put down my phone, read a book, take a walk, connect with friends, and focus on my dreams.

Unfortunately, the pull is too strong. You wake up the next day and reach for your phone.

You get the dream job and it doesn't fix it.
You build a great business and it doesn't fix it.
You make more money, travel the world, find the relationship, heal your traumas…but the fog remains.

You still feel like software, scrolling through feeds and staring at screens.

Not a human, but a program. An entity chasing things.

It’s time to DELETE. Dive into yourself and destroy the 21st Century Mind.

The map for life you were handed. The predictable timeline of school, uninteresting career and retirement.

The idea that you must 'prove yourself' in order to make your brief time on this earth exciting.

The belief that DREAMS can only be earned after years of dissatisfaction, personal sacrifice and perfectionism - something that only "remarkable people" with "superior talents" and a "more evolved intelligence" can accomplish.

The mindset that you should be competing with others in order to earn your place, always watching out for more intelligent or more corageous people who could steal your lunch at any moment.

When you follow the 21st Century Mind, you're tricked into PUNISHING yourself along every step of the journey to your dreams.

You punish yourself before you get started. You have to spend years managing overwhelming self-doubt as you strive to settle whether you have the "inborn talents" and "intelligence" to make them happen.

Once you finally settle that YOU CAN DO IT and get started, you still punish yourself. You believe that you must sacrifice many of life's joys and that no intermediate accomplishments will matter unless you make it to “the top”.

You become obsessed with the prize as life's blessings pass you by unnoticed.

When you finally materialize those dreams, you STILL punish yourself. You start wondering whether you can lose them to someone even more talented. You immediately shift to defending the rewards you've earned instead of giving yourself even a fraction of a second to enjoy them.

Isn't it funny? This is supposed to be our collective definition of "happiness", yet it delivers nothing but misery when you follow it as a way of life.

It’s time to unplug, and this is what it looks like: joy from work, freedom of the highest order, a limitless use of your own creativity, real-world impact from your creations, a world of cooperation rather than competition, and a balanced life with equal space for friends, adventure and love.

Teledipity KNOWS how to untangle this “programming” - all you need is constant reminders.

Constant nudges.

Constant interference.

Constant confirmations of what you already know to be true.

Teledipity was built to force itself into your screens to remind you to trust yourself and those crazy dreams.

Teledipity doesn't want you to be motivated by speed, fear, or the desire to demonstrate your value.

Teledipity wants you to define those dreams in terms that go far beyond your professional accomplishments.

Teledipity translates ANCIENT ALGORITHMS to help you relearn the TRUE MEANING OF HAPPINESS – an innate wisdom we forsook in our technology-driven world.

how it started

Our story begins in a familiar place...

A young soul who hates his job, fears for his finances, and cannot bring himself to feel hopeful about the future.

He feels behind in accomplishments and adventures, and is suffocated by the anxiety that he's lost on the "road" to what society deems "happiness".

Lost, disoriented, thirsty, and alone, he wakes up with the GUT FEELING to go hiking.

He questions his own instinct, but then he sees it: a blog post that confirms the impulse. It's an overview on the five benefits of hiking alone.

The synchronicity confirms what he was already feeling, so he gives himself permission to trust himself and goes.

He parks his car, changes his shoes and walks up the mountain. The decision feels so out of character that it's almost like someone else has taken over his body.

When he returns from the hike, he notices that his car is missing. It has been crashed into the gate of a mansion down the street.

A few hours later, he finds himself in a deep conversation with the car insurance appraiser, discussing life, existence, and the importance of chasing dreams. He shares his hate for his job and his feeling of entrapment, and he receives the EXACT WORDS he needed to hear:

"They're paying you to do nothing, so take some online courses. Learn how to build your own website. Free yourself. Make your 'punishment' your reward."

Of course, the wisdom was simple and obvious. He could have heard it anywhere. He might have even read it before.

But there was something about the sequence of events that gave it an unquestionable power: the hunch that led to the mountain, the person that broke into the car, and the right insurance appraiser sent to the right accident at the right time.

It's one thing to be exposed to sound wisdom. It's another when the TIMING and CONTEXT gives it the WEIGHT it needs to transform the rest of your life.

A happy accident. Finding something of immense value through an astonishingly beautiful circumstance of “randomness”.

The moment when unseen forces conspire to give you what you need at the precise moment when you need it.

The books you didn't know existed.

The people who can help you see what you're blind to.

The RIGHT ADVICE you must hear at the PRECISE MOMENT when you're finally ready to receive it.

As the sun set, the young man took the bus home, and he was smiling. It wasn't long before he conceived the platform you hold in your hands today:

Teledipity: Inserting that strange and powerful magic into your smartphone so it can touch you every day.

Somehow, through some unique algorithm, this software would connect its users with the wisdom they need to read on the PRECISE MOMENT when it will have the most impact.

It would recommend incredible nonfiction books, summarize the teachings of history's greatest philosophers, and insert INFECTIOUS MOTIVATION and SOUL-STIRRING CONTENT into the repetitive entrapment of modern life.

It would be so eerily accurate that its users could not help but be struck with the same awe.

where we stand today

Powerful content and mind-bending insights backed by great technology.

A platform built, scaled and maintained by regular people, not gurus or savants claiming to understand the secrets of the universe.

A nimble operation unencumbered by insatiable aspirations to "save humanity" or "unlock your superpowers".

A self-development technology with its head screwed on straight:

- Refusing to install marketing cookies or track your behavior outside of it.

- Refusing to present itself as "the answer to everything" or the "thing that will help you materialize everything you ever wanted".

- Refusing to design and market its services at the cost of your self-confidence, self-reliance and self-determination.

We don't see ourselves as the source of all answers. We see ourselves as your passionate friend who gives great advice. Sometimes you'll follow our guidance. Sometimes you'll feel the need to prove us wrong by doing the opposite.

Whatever you do, we will always support you, and we will always cheer you on.

Meet the humans behind the curtain...

Mexican and Brazilian agents of chaos.
Artists and creatives who dabble in "tech".
Big dreamers, anti-hustlers,
and VERY proud nerds.

The VALUES that shape everything we do...

Write your own SCRIPT

Your family, friends and affinity groups have a definitive "script" for your life. It is packed with rules of engagement, suggested beliefs, and recommended personality traits. It ends with a clear definition of success that will earn their validation.

Toss it in the garbage. Settle on a path that is right for YOU and no one else.

Be your own 'GURU'

Society craves luminaries and prophets. We're hardwired with the belief that only a select group of people truly understand life and know how to "hack it" to their advantage.

But the truth is far more exciting: every human has been endowed with their own internal guidance system. It knows the careers, relationships, dreams and ideas that are right for YOU and no one else.

Discover your own and learn to trust it at all times.

Anticipate the next LEVEL

Humans stop growing and start regressing when they decide that "they've figured everything out".

No matter how far you go, there is always something you're not seeing or haven't learned. There is always something to improve. There is always something to question.

There is always another level.

Break free from BELIEF

While all self-development frameworks, systems and formulas can offer guidance, none hold the absolute truth.

Belief in a single version of truth breeds the hunger to prove yourself, the loss of identity and the vulnerability to fanaticism.

There are pieces of truth, but there are no definitive answers.

LET GO with grace

Everything has a beginning and an end. Everything comes into your life for a season and must eventually conclude in order to help you move along your journey.

Let go of everything that is COMPLETE with grace - whether it's a relationship, a career dream, an identity, or even a platform like ours.

Dare to identify when something is expired and don't hesitate to let it go.


There is merit in sharing and discussing your worldview, but remember that beliefs are always in flux - yours and everyone else's.

Your truth is for YOU and for NOW. It need not be adopted by everyone. It need not be debated or proven as superior. Respect everyone's right to their own answers.

There is no need to live in a world where everyone believes what you believe.