Metaverse Mindset: Balancing Significance and Transience in the Game of Life

Embrace detachment, unleash your true self, and navigate the game of life with joy, purpose, and limitless potential. This is the metaverse mindset.

Metaverse Mindset: Balancing Significance and Transience in the Game of Life
Metaverse Mindset: Balancing Significance and Transience in the Game of Life
Andrés Gabelic
August 10, 2024

Bear with me as I use the buzzword of the moment to illustrate a powerful spiritual concept.

Have you ever heard of the Metaverse?

This term is used to identify any virtual world that people can enter to live alternate lives (kind of like a video game). Technology is reaching a place where you can put on a virtual reality headset and enter this "artificial" universe with all of your five senses.

You're IN IT, but as a different person.

You pick something cool that you'd like to experience and you enter.

A different YOU. A different PLACE. A different STORY.

Can you picture what that would be like? What would you do? How would it change you?

I think that you would quickly and effortlessly drop the associations you have with your name, personality, and life story.

I think that you would forget many of the things you LOVE about yourself and have become attached to - opening the doors to explore many forgotten corners of your own mind.

Though releasing yourself in the real world can be scary, doing it in the Metaverse would be less threatening.

At the end of the day, you would know DEEP DOWN that it is nothing but a temporary and "artificial" experience.

Part of your mind would remain detached enough to NOT take it too seriously.

You would be engaged, but you would also know that you could go back to being ALL YOU whenever you felt ready.

You would know that you wouldn't (and couldn't) actually LOSE yourself.

By the same token, the things you don't like about yourself would shatter.

Perhaps you would quickly gain the confidence to flirt without the fear of rejection. Perhaps you would confess secrets you've never shared with another human. Perhaps you would go back and do the things you wish you had done when you were younger.

You wouldn't be afraid to FAIL because you would know that it's all "artificial" - erasable, insignificant, and fleeting.

You would be free of all shades of self-importance, pride, and perfectionism.

You would forget all the demons of insecurity, self-doubt, and chronic guilt.

You would jump from one roof to another and carelessly fly into the air just because you could.

Then the LIMITLESS mentality would start going deeper - infiltrating more remote parts of your mind that had been quietly contaminating your life experience.

You would stop judging people. You would stop becoming frustrated by discomfort. You would become neutral to both praise and criticism. You would love without condition - allowing the objects of your affection to go off into their own adventures without feeling like you always needed to be a part of them.

You would focus on your own experience unbothered as you concentrated on having fun and doing cool things before leaving the "metaverse" to go back to the "real world".

You would be grateful for every minute, never forgetting that it's temporary and sort of, kind of, in a weird way meaningless (even though it's clearly a worthy experience beyond description).

Something that feels very real but is also not actually real.

Something that matters but also doesn't matter.

Something you learn from and enjoy with DEEP EMOTIONAL ENGAGEMENT and also GROUNDED DETACHMENT.

Can you see where I'm taking this?

You actually already live in a metaverse. From a spiritual perspective, that is exactly what's going on right this second.

This life is temporary, and this universe is sort of artificial. It is just as much of an illusion.

When it's over, it won't actually be over, and you already know that.

Once you leave THIS metaverse, you'll simply go back to where you came from. You will swiftly reunite with the higher version of yourself that is watching and enjoying every minute from somewhere "up there".

You ARE in a metaverse...but unfortunately, you don't always remember.

Sometimes you get so caught up in this LEVEL and this IDENTITY that you think they are all there is to existence.

Sometimes you give that name, those attachments, and those fears too much power to influence your experience in ways that only limit its true potential.

Sometimes you deposit WAY too much importance into all those stupid details.

And when it comes time to do something GREAT - follow your dreams, go off into the sunset chasing an adventure, and impact the world - those are the VERY attachments that lead you astray.

As a creator, your only job is to remain JOYFUL, IMMERSED, DETACHED, and AWARE as you decode the steps from your higher self and follow them without getting in your own way.

You want clear visions but indifference to outcomes.

You want definite plans but an open and flexible attitude, always ready to embrace the inevitable surprises and unforeseen alternatives.

You want to take it seriously but not too seriously.

You want to follow a QUEST that is never contaminated by identity, self-aggrandizement, or the need to control every detail.

It matters but it doesn't matter. It's real but it's also just a game.

A game you play for the experience, where winning is not really that important and losing not really that scary.

Photo by Samuel Zeller on

Metaverse Mindset: Balancing Significance and Transience in the Game of Life

Not "Changing the World". Not "Unlocking Higher Consciousness". Not a "High Achiever".